
SOCIAL MEDIA ROADMAP + starter kit made easy for you! 🚀

a step-by-step roadmap that provides clarity and direction to kickstart your social media presence, without wasting time figuring out which steps to follow.

Social Media Strategy Roadmap + starter kit

This is for you if you

— wish for a step-by-step roadmap to turn your profile into a lead-generating powerhouse. 

— want your brand identity to stand out across your social platforms.

— want to have a seamless content planning process. 

— want to craft a converting content strategy so you can attract your ideal audience and make your first sales.

This Canva template is easy to edit, with clear directions to follow, making it perfect for coaches and business owners looking to generate leads, build an engaged community, and convert customers/buyers! 💸📈✨

here´s your roadmap to making social media work for your business with my

24-page customisable template with practical examples and actionable steps to create a successful social media strategy. 

your roadmap to attract dream clients

what's included?


understand who you are talking to, and their needs & desires so you can create content that activates your ideal audience and convert them into clients.


ensure that your content stands out and reflects your brand identity on social media.


optimise your account to maximise conversions.

✨ A HIGH-CONVERTING CONTENT STRATEGY, following my 3-step ‘Strategic Framework’

based on your goals and ideal client, you will craft a content strategy that consistently drives demand for your offer and nurture relationships with your ideal audience. 

I´m ready to make social media work for my business 


Hi, I am Gema, a Spanish Social Media Strategist & Coach.

Ex-sales travel consultant to flight attendant turned marketing agency founder, travelling the world while scaling a sustainable & profitable business online.

After an 8-year journey in aviation, working for one of the most prestigious airlines in the Middle East, and before that, as a Sales Travel Consultant, I have fused my lifelong fascination with travel with my experience in marketing and embarked on my entrepreneurial journey.

My mission is simple: “help you build a profitable business on social media that gives you the FREEDOM and RESULTS you desire”

If you're aiming to go viral, I can't give you a formula because there isn't one. However, I can promise that this guide will help you create your action plan to build a hot audience, sign potential clients, and DRIVE sales to your business.

READY TO sign dream clients from your social media?✨